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Birk Hill Infant and Nursery School
Spending each day in learning, laughter and love.
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Welcome to Penguins Class!

Class Blog 12th July 2024

This week in art we have been making clay sculptures of African animals influenced by the sculptor Lesley Anne Greene.

Class Blog 5th July 2024

In science we have been learning about animals and their habitats. This week we learnt about microhabitats and the animals that live there.

Class Blog 28th June 2024

In Music this week we have been continuing to practice playing the glockenspiel to the song, “Your Imagination”. We have learnt all the right notes and are now practising playing all together, keeping to a steady beat.

Class Blog 21st June 2024

This week it was our sports day! We had such a great time playing competitive games on the field in our teams. After our busy afternoon of sports we enjoyed a fitting story from our spotlight author, Roger Hargreaves. Congratulations to team France on their win!

Class Blog 14th June 2024

As part of our RE learning we visited St Peter and St Paul’s Church in Eckington. During our visit we found out about the history of the church and saw lots of sacred and holy items.

Class Blog 7th June 2024

In computing we have been learning all about spreadsheets. We learnt that they are used to sort and store data and that they made up of many columns, rows and cells. We explored making our own spreadsheets to solve our own calculations.

Class Blog 23rd May 2024

Today we had a ‘Day in France’ as part of our cultural learning. We enjoyed listening to French music, making French flags and learnt some of the French words for colours! We loved tasting different French foods. We tried cheese, grapes, crepes, croissants and pain au chocolat, it was delicious. We learnt about the famous French artist Claude Monet and took inspiration from him to create our own water-lily paintings of his beautiful garden.

Class Blog 17th May 2024

In maths this week, we have been finding fractions of amounts. We used fraction boards and objects to help us find half and quarter of different amounts.

Class Blog 10th May 2024

This week we went on our school trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park. We had a fantastic time seeing all the African animals, which link to our learning theme, A Taste of Africa!

Class Blog 3rd May 2024

This week, for our library time, we made the most of the beautiful sunshine and did some reading outside on the grass J

Class Blog 26th April 2024

In English, we have been reading and writing about the story Handa’s surprise. This week we wrote a diary entry as Handa.

Class Blog 19th April 2024

This week we attended a Bike Festival hosted by some students at Eckington School. We learnt lots of important skills linked to bike riding, such as balancing, steering and breaking.

Class Blog 22nd March 2024

In English this week, we have been learning about pirates. On Tuesday, we learnt about what a pirate looks like. We drew labelled diagrams and dressed up like a pirate.

Class Blog 15th March 2024

On Thursday morning we took part in a physical activity session. We all tried really hard with the physical challenges such as trying to get a hoop to the floor between partners without letting go and getting cones in the correct colour sequence.

Class Blog 8th March 2024

In maths this week, we have been learning about measuring. On Thursday for World Book Day, as our theme was giants, we did some giant measuring from our story ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’.

Class Blog 1st March 2024

In maths this week we have been learning about measuring length. We used different things to measure the length of our classroom.

Class Blog 16th February 2024

This week we have been writing fact files for the old toys we have been learning about. On Thursday we created an Old Toy Museum for our grown-ups. Thank you to all the grown-ups who came along. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Class Blog 9th February 2024

In history this term we have been learning about old toys. This week used all we had learnt to sort pictures of toys into whether they were old or modern or both. We also had our class assembly. We hope you enjoyed finding out what we have been learning this term.   

Class Blog 2nd February 2024

In maths this week we have been exploring what happens when you add tens to numbers in an addition sum. 

Class Blog 26th January 2024

This week in science we have been identifying what materials different objects are made from. We found that some objects are made from one material and some are made from more than one material.

Class Blog 19th January 2024

In science this term we are learning about materials.

Class Blog 12th January 2024

This term our Birk Hill value is perseverance. We have been learning what that means and tried a tower building challenge. We had to keep on trying to build the tallest tower.

Class Blog 22nd December 2023

In maths, we have been reviewing our learning about shapes. We made pictures with 2D shapes. Have a great Christmas and new year and we will see you back in class on Monday 8th January.

Class Blog 15th December 2023

We have loved performing our school nativity this week. I am sure you will all agree we were amazing! In maths we have been reviewing our learning about shapes. We used playdough to make 3D shapes.

Class Blog 8th December 2023

In history this week, we have been learning about how houses have changed over time. We used a long timeline to help us understand the chronology of houses. We went back in time over 2000 years!

Class Blog 1st December 2023

In maths this week we have been learning about fact families. We sorted sums into fact families and then we have been spotting intruders in the house.

Class Blog 24th November 2023

On Thursday, we enjoyed one of our cultural days. We learnt all about the country and traditions of Poland. Leon brought some things to show us and told us all about Poland.

Class Blog 17th November 2023

In science this week we have been learning about how deciduous trees change through the seasons.

Class Blog 27th October 2023

This week we performed our class assembly to our parents and school friends.

Class Blog 20th October 2023

This week in maths we have been learning our number bonds to 10.

Class Blog 13th October 2023

This week, we lost our class mascot Pip the Penguin!

To help us find him we used our English time to create a labelled diagram of Pip and then used this to help us write full descriptive sentences. We used capital letters, finger spaces and full stops to make our writing really clear. We hope someone sees our posters and helps us find him!

During our snack time we always read a story by our ‘Spotlight Author’. This week we began reading books from our new spotlight author, Anthony Browne. There is a similar theme to some of Anthony Browne’s stories, ask your child what this is, I’m sure they would love to tell you!

Class Blog 6th October 2023

For our Religious Education topic we have been learning about infant baptism. Last week we looked at different ways people are baptised and then labelled an infant baptism scene. This week Reverend Andy from St Peter & St Pauls Church in Eckington came to talk to us about infant baptism and how why this is important to Christians. He answered all of our questions and also baptised our class mascot Pip the Penguin!

In Science we have been continuing with our learning about plants. This week we used our scientific enquiry skills to observe the beans that we planted earlier in the term. We recorded how they had changed and logged this in our bean diaries. They have grown much taller and now have leaves!

Class Blog 29th September 2023

This week in Geography we went on a learning walk around Eckington. We saw lots of fantastic buildings that link to our learning theme, Amazing Eckington. We saw a shop, post office, school, church, library and swimming pool.

This week in Music we have been continuing with our learning about rhythm and pulse. Last week we practised clapping the pulse to the song ‘Hey You!’ by Joanna Mangona. This week we used those skills to play instruments to the pulse of the song.

Class Blog 22nd September 2023

This week in computing we have been learning how to safely log on to Purple Mash. We used our own private usernames and passwords to log in and then created personalised avatars and saved them to our profiles.

This week in science we continued our learning about plants by having a go at planting some bulbs, beans and seeds. We will be observing the growth of the plants over the next few weeks and recording this in a bean diary.

Class Blog 15th September 2023

This week in maths we have been learning how to add two numbers together using tallies to help us. We recorded our learning neatly in our books by using the ‘one number, one square’ rule.

This week in science we have been on a nature walk to observe different flowers and plants found in our school grounds. We searched for cowslips, dandelions, buttercups, primroses, daises and nettles.

Class Blog 8th September 2023

We have had a super start to the year in Penguin Class!


This week we began our new learning theme, ‘Amazing Eckington!’. We used Google Earth to find Eckington on the globe and then compared it to other places we had visited in the world. We learnt that Eckington is a small village in England which is part of the United Kingdom.

Every Thursday we have our class visit to the library. This week we all chose a book and had some free time at the end of the day to read in the sunshine. Our class VIP’s chose a home time story by our spotlight author Eric Carle. They picked ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Ask your child to retell the story to you, I’m sure they would to tell you all about it.
