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Birk Hill Infant and Nursery School
Spending each day in learning, laughter and love.
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Welcome to our Governors’ section.


Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.

The Governing Board

Name - Date of Appointment - Term of Office - Appointed By - Other Governance Roles - Material Interests - Category

Sue Birch – 1.9.03 - Ex-Officio – None - None - Headteacher
Steve Jones – 18.3.23 – 4 years - Governing Board - None - None - Co-opted (Chair of Governors)
Elizabeth Warhurst – 30.9.24 – 4 years - Governing Board - None - None - Co-opted

Jason Crump - 8.3.21 - 4 years - Governing Board - None - None - Parent

Rachel King - 6.7.21 - 4 years - Governing Board - None - None - Co-opted

David Bell – n/a – Clerk to Governors

Outgoing Governors

Michaela Connell – 4 years to 9.11.2018 – Resigned 29.2.16
Gemma Sharpe-Buckley – 4 years to 24.1.2020 – Resigned 29.4.16
Daniel Heap – 4 years to 22.5.17 – Resigned 30.1.17

Lucy Hawkins - 4 years to 31.1.18 - Resigned 26.5.17

Kay Hawley - 4 years to 22.11.19 - Resigned 2.6.17

Nicola Downs - 4 years to 12.6.21 - Resigned 13.11.17

Sonia Gavins - 4 years to 17.3.19 - Resigned 13.11.17

Danielle Pollitt - 4 years to 12.6.21 - Leave 30.11.18

Anne Siddall - 4 years to 2.12.22 - Resigned 6.1.20

Joanne Widdowson - 4 years to 12.1.24 - Resigned 12.10.20

Graham Richmond - 4 years to 9.7.21 - Resigned 11.1.21

Zoe Jones - 4 years to 12.11.21 - Resigned 8.2.21

Danielle Pollitt - 4 years to 9.3.24 - Resigned 24.4.22

Una Tomkins - 4 years to 6.7.25 - Resigned 24.1.23

Jo Kennedy - 4 years to 22.1.27 - Resigned 24.6.24

Register of Business and Financial Interests

Steve Jones – Demand Planner for supplier of paper hygiene products.

Attendance for Previous Academic Year


Governing Board Meetings

Sue Birch 6/6, Steve Jones 5/6 (1 Absence), Elizabeth Warhurst 6/6, Jason Crump 6/6, Rachel King 6/6, Jo Kennedy 1/5 (4 Absences), David Bell 6/6.

Annual Statement of Issues

  • Post Ofsted Improvement Plan

Contact Us

For all enquiries to the Governing Board, please contact the Clerk To Governors, Birk Hill Infant & Nursery School, Chestnut Avenue, Eckington, S21 4BE or telephone (01246) 433205
