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Birk Hill Infant and Nursery School
Spending each day in learning, laughter and love.
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Our Early Help Offer

Early Help


Early Help means providing support to our children and families at Birk Hill Infant and Nursery School as soon as an issue emerges, at any point in a child’s life.

We understand just how complicated family life can be. From time to time, there may be situations where families need some extra help and support. If things are difficult at home, please come and talk to us. We can help in many ways.


What we aim to do

  • To work to families’ strengths, especially those of parents / carers and to take time to understand their needs fully.
  • To focus on preventing issues before they occur and try to offer flexible, responsive support where and when it’s required.
  • To base all we do on evidence of what is needed and what works and be brave enough to stop things that are wrong.

Successful Early Help will mean


  • are physically and emotionally happy
  • are resilient and able to learn well
  • are supported by their families, community
  • and when necessary professionals in order to thrive
  • live in safe environments

Parents and Carers     

  • support one another in the community
  • know where to get help if needed
  • have trusted relationships with school, community and other parents
  • are well informed about how best to help their child develop


What is Early Help?

Early Help is everyone’s responsibility. Together we will make sure that children and their families are safe, happy and ready for school, work and life’s challenges. The school has a clear and detailed Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy in place which puts the safety and protection of the children at the heart of any decisions.


Our Early Help team are

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) –   Sue Birch

Deputy Safeguarding Lead –                    Jo Kennedy                                                       

SENCO Lead -                                         Claire Smith

Family Support Officer -                        Charlotte Whitaker


Our School Offer

At Birk Hill Infant and Nursery School we pride ourselves in knowing the children well. We are alert to the welfare of our children and are vigilant regarding any situation in which we can provide support. We have a number of systems in place to help and we seek at all times to work in collaboration with families with openness, integrity and understanding and with the needs of the child at the centre of all we do.


Useful Links

We all need some support from time to time. There are lots of services that can help.

If you feel you have any needs or concerns and would like us to help or support please get in touch.

If you have any questions simply give us a call or email.

Tel: 01246 433205

