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Birk Hill Infant and Nursery School
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Catch Up Funding Plan

                                                                                             Birk Hill Infant and Nursery School

Catch-Up Premium Plan   

Summary Information

Birk Hill Infant and Nursery School

Academic Year 2020 – 2021

Number of Children 101

Total Catch-Up Premium £8,080



Children across the country have experinced unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of Covid-19. Those children from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds are amongst the hardest hit. The impact of lost learning time is substantial, and the scale of our response must match the scale of the challenge.

Schools’ allocations are based on the number of children from reception onwards, providing each mainstream school with a total of £80 per child.

As the Catch-Up Premium has been designed to mitigate the effects of the unique disruption caused by Covid-19, the grant will only be available for the 2020 – 2021 academic year. It will not be added to future school budget allocations.


Use of Funds

Schools should use thiis funding for specific activities to support their children to catch up for the lost teaching over the previous months, in line with the guidance on curriculum expectations for the next academic year.

Schools have the flexibility to spend their funding in the best way for their cohort and circumstances.

To support schools make the best use of the funding the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has published a Covid-19 support guide for schools with evidence-based approaches to catch up for all children. Schools should use this document to help them direct their additional funding in the mostt effective way.


Education Endowment Recommendations

Teaching and whole school strategies

*Supporting great teaching

*Pupil assessment and feedback

*Transition support

Targeted approaches

*Individual and small group tution

*Intervention programmes

*Extended school times

Wider strategies

*Supporting parents and carers

*Access to technology

*Summer support


Identified impact of lockdown and school closure

Reading – Clear gaps in reading were identified in September 2020, particularly gaps in children’s understanding of reading comprehension. Children were less fluent in their reading and the gap between those children that read during lockdown and those children who did not access reading materials has widened.

Writing – Children have lost essential practising of various fine motor and writing skills, specific knowledge has not been covered or embedded, this has led to a lack of fluency in writing – handwriting, spelling and structure. For some children poor letter formation / handwriting has been identified. Those children who maintained writing during lockdown were less affected, however those children who did not have access to regular writing opportunities have needed to work additionally hard on writing stamina.

Maths – Specific learning content has been missed, leading to gaps in learning and stalled sequencing of knowledge. Children still have an appetite for mathematics and lockdown has not affected their attitudes, however there are clear gaps in learning identified through baseline assessments.

Other subjects – There are some significant gaps in knowledge – whole units of work have been missed meaning that the children are less able to access pre-requisite knowledge when learning something new and they are less likely to make connections between concepts and themes throughout the curriculum. Children have also missed valuable curriculum experiences like school outings, visitors and exciting, powerful curriculum learning moments.


Planned Expenditure

These are grouped into the categories outlined in the Education Endowment Foundation’s Covid-19 Support Guide for Schools.


1.Teaching and Whole School Strategies


Desired outcome

Chosen approach and anticipated cost

Impact expected

Staff Lead

Review date

Ensure Quality first Teaching across the curriculum ensuring broad and engaging learning experiences

Additional time for teachers to research and plan non-core subjects. Relesae time and additional cover will be required to facilitate additional PPA

Subject Leaders will be confident that the planned curriculum for this year has identified gaps and ensured coverage by the end of the summer term 2021


Spring 2021

School and home engagement enhanced by use of Microsoft school email and Teams to ensure clear communication for home learning and celebrating achievements in school to raise achievement 

School email and Teams to be used to support home and remote learning, also to celebrate successes seen at home and in school

DfE funded

Greater engagement in learning activities both at home and at school. Platform for remote learning.


Key Stage Leaders

Autumn 2020, spring 2021, summer 2021


2.Targeted Approaches


Desired outcome

Chosen approach and anticipated cost

Impact expected

Staff Lead

Review date

Ensure that identified children are working in line with learning targets projected from September 2020

Year 1 and Year 2 individualised and small group targeted support in phonics, reading, writing and maths


Children identified for support will be working inline with age realted expectations by the end of the focus of support

Year 1 and Year 2 Teachers

Spring 2021, summer 2021

Early language intervention to improve children’s vocabulary, listening and speaking skills

Individualised and small group support for vocabulary, listening and speaking skills


Children show improvements in understanding and use of vocabulary, listening and speaking skills


Early Years Leader

March 2021, summer 2021

Resources available to support phonics, reading, writing and maths intervention

Purchase and introduce flashcards, Giant Phonics, writing toolkit, tricky word cards, maths resources


Children confidently use resources to support knowledge and understanding. Children reaching age related expectations at the end of the year.


Key Stage leaders

Spring 2021, summer 2021

Greater engagement in home reading through high quality texts

Purchase and introduce additional phonetically decodable books that compliment the cureent reading scheme


Additional reading books when children will be exposed to different fiction and non-fiction books will result in more children reaching age related expectations at the end of the year

English leader

Autumn 2020, spring 2021 and summer 2021


3.Wider Strategies


Desired outcome

Chosen approach and anticipated cost

Impact expected

Staff Lead

Review date

More children attend daily breakfast club to further support children’s transition into the school day, resilience, self-regulation and emotional literacy

Parents consulted and individual children invited, breakfast provided with support and guidance offered


Individual children transition positively into the school day with improved resilience, self-regulation and emotional literacy


Spring 2021, summer 2021

Encouraging sustainable home and remote learning with parents

School staff reinforcing simple, regular, encouraging messages around sustainable home and remote learning and routines. Celebrating successes of children and parents with parents

Teacher release time


Children experiencing positive, sustainable home and remote learning experiences with parents.


Autumn 2020, spring 2021, summer 2021

