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Birk Hill Infant and Nursery School
Spending each day in learning, laughter and love.
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Class Blog 19th July 2024

The children were so excited this week for their first school disco! They all looked super smart in their disco clothes and had some good dance moves to show us on the dance floor. We had a great time, and it was a wonderful way to celebrate the end of the school year!

Have a lovely summer everyone.

Class Blog 5th July 2024

Today we took the parachute down to the school field for our PE lesson. The children were amazing! They all listened carefully to the instructions, and they showed brilliant teamwork and control to make the parachute work. The children enjoyed taking it turns to go underneath the parachute.

Class Blog 28th June 2024

This week the children have been exploring treasure. We have a treasure chest full of sparkly objects - gemstones, coins and jewellery. The children were in awe of the magic of the treasure chest. We then had a treasure hunt in our outdoor area.

Class Blog 14th June 2024

Every morning after register, the children are split into colour groups to practice a focus fine motor activity such as cutting with scissors, threading, or picking objects up with tweezers. This helps to strengthen their finger muscles to support their early writing.

Class Blog 7th June 2024

The children have been excited this week to see we have bikes and scooters in our playground. We have made our own bike track with arrows on the floor showing the children which direction to ride in safely, and they have been practising putting on their own helmets.

Class Blog 17th May 2024

In PE this week, the children enjoyed playing the team game, ‘Duck, Duck, Goose’. This is a great game for developing listening and attention skills, as well as learning about teamwork and keeping our bodies active.

Class Blog 10th May 2024

Our learning theme focus text this week has been ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We have been exploring different materials in Bear class recently, so the children enjoyed working with paper straws, sticks and building bricks to build their own houses for the three little pigs, seeing which houses were stronger and which fell down.

Class Blog 3rd May 2024

Our learning theme story this week was The Gingerbread Man. The children have been learning about characters in stories. They have been naming main characters and talking about what they do in the story. The children have designed their own Gingerbread Man for our class display.

Class Blog 26th April 2024

In maths this week, the children have been learning about positional language using the words ‘in-front’ and ‘behind’. We practiced with a teddy bear and chair, putting him in different positions. The children then used this language to organise themselves in a line.

Class Blog 19th April 2024

Our learning theme this half term in Early Years is ‘Tell Me a Story’. This week we were looking at the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. To support this, we made porridge using maths skills to measure out the porridge oats and milk.  

Class Blog 28th March 2024

This week, the Early Years children enjoyed a school outing to White Post Farm. The children got to enjoy a tractor ride, whilst learning about and feeding lots of different farm animals. At the end of the visit, the Nursery children got to handle a rabbit and a mouse each, which they all did responsibly and respectfully. The children were amazing all day, and we were even lucky with the weather!

Class Blog 22nd March 2024

In maths this week we have been learning about ABAB patterns. These are repeating patterns made with two objects. The children have been busy working in pairs to make their own ABAB patterns using resources from the classroom.

Class Blog 15th March 2024

The children have enjoyed a physical activity lesson this week with SHAPE. The aim of the lesson was to get children physically moving and working together by participating in team activities. The children really enjoyed this, and they rose to the challenge of working and communicating together with their teams.

Class Blog 8th March 2024

On Thursday 7th March, we celebrated World Book Day. Our theme was giants from the story Jack and the Beanstalk. As well as dressing as giants, we made giant ears to wear. The children spent the day sharing stories with their friends and playing book themed games.  

Class Blog 1st March 2024

Our learning theme this half term in Early Years is ‘All Creatures Great and Small’. We have been talking about our pets, and the children have been drawing and creating pictures of their pets for a class book we are going to put together.  

Class Blog 16th February 2024

In maths we have been learning about capacity, using the words empty and full. The children enjoyed exploring with water, filling and emptying containers.

Class Blog 9th February 2024

This week we have been looking at firefighters and the job they do, learning new vocabulary such as fire extinguisher, fire drill and alarm. The children have enjoyed our firefighter role play.

Class Blog 2nd February 2024

To support our Learning Theme ‘We can be Heroes’, the children have been learning all about doctors and nurses and how they can help us. In talking partners, the children discussed a medical scenario and thought about how a doctor or nurse could help them.

Class Blog 26th January 2024

To develop their art skills, the children have been exploring and enjoying mixing two primary colours (red, blue and yellow) together to make a new colour.

Class Blog 19th January 2024

In maths this week, we have started to compare quantities using the language more and fewer. The children worked in small groups to make two sets of objects; one with more in and one with fewer.

Class Blog 12th January 2024

The children have had a fantastic first week back. We have welcomed our new starters who have had a brilliant first week! In maths this week we have been representing numbers 1 to 5 using our fingers to different counting songs.

Class Blog 15th December 2023

This week the children performed in the Christmas shows. They were all amazing and showed themselves at their very best. Well done all!!

Class Blog 8th December 2023

On Thursday 7th December we supported Christmas Jumper Day on behalf of Save the Children UK. The children were excited to wear their Christmas jumpers to school, and they all looked wonderful.

Class Blog 1st December 2023

To support our Learning Theme ‘Let’s Celebrate’, the children made a list of all the things we would need to make ourselves, to hold a birthday celebration in our classroom; party hats, decorations, birthday cards, and birthday cakes.

Class Blog 24th November 2023

On Wednesday we spent the day learning about Poland, looking at where in the world Poland is, how we could get there and how we would say hello in Polish. We made our own Poland flags.

Class Blog 17th November 2023

It was the Brilliant Bears class assembly on Thursday, and they were all absolutely amazing in front of their grown-ups. Well done Bears, you are all superstars!!

Class Blog 10th November 2023

This week Bear class have been learning about the significance of poppies to remember those who have served their country, making their own using egg boxes and pipe cleaners.

Class Blog 27th October 2023

The children have been busy creating vegetable artwork using real vegetables to print with to make different patterns. Here we have a potato, pumpkin, carrot, broccoli, sweetcorn and an aubergine.

Class Blog 20th October 2023

In phonics we have had fun exploring voice sounds, making different movements with our mouths to create different sounds.

Class Blog 13th October 2023

This week the children have continued their learning about the importance of brushing teeth. They have enjoyed brushing the dolls teeth with toothbrushes and toothpaste. This activity has also been great for developing their fine motor skills.

In our garden this week, we were looking for signs of Autumn. The children collected leaves that had changed colour from green to yellow and orange. Some leaves were big, and some were small. We explored painting using natural resources like sticks and pinecones.

Class Blog 6th October 2023

This week the children were excited to show off their culinary skills as part of our ‘Healthy Me’ learning theme. We were discussing different fruits, so what better way than to make our own fruit salad.

The children all took turns to chop the fruit carefully into small pieces. They showed patience whilst waiting for their turn and responsibility using the knife. The best bit was getting to eat their finished dish, which they all enjoyed.

We were learning in geography about the environment around us. Bear class went for a walk around the school grounds looking at all the different areas around us. We walked through Tiger’s playground, the KS1 playground, and back through the main entrance of school. The children enjoyed exploring their school grounds and seeing for themselves just how big our school is outside of Nursery.

Class Blog 29th September 2023

In phonics this week, the children have been developing their awareness of instrumental sounds. They have been exploring the range of musical instruments we have in the classroom, learning to play them with respect and control.

We went on an instrument march around the classroom and used different instruments and sounds to support the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’.

We have been developing our fine motor skills using pincers to colour sort objects. The children have been naming the colours and counting the number of objects collected in their bowls, bringing maths into their learning.

Class Blog 22nd September 2023

In our learning theme this week we have been talking about babies, toddlers and children and how as we get older, we grow.

We then looked at ourselves as a class group and worked together to size one another in order from the tallest to the shortest.

We have been learning about germs and why it is important to wash our hands. To support our learning, the children conducted an experiment. They put black pepper into a bowl of water. Without soap on their fingers, the black pepper stuck to their skin. When they added soap to their finger and placed it in the water the soap moved the pepper away.

Class Blog 15th September 2023

In maths this week we have been counting to five. We have been matching objects to numbers and counting them to make sure we have the correct amount.

Every morning we count how many friends are in our class today using our five frame self-register, and today in our maths lesson we have been singing the song Five Little Speckled Frogs.

This week the children have been busy painting their self-portraits for our Brilliant Bears wall display in the classroom. They used mirrors to look at their features and name the different parts of their face and head.

Class Blog 8th September 2023

It was lovely to welcome the children back this week after the summer break. They were all amazing at settling back into school life and routines. The warm weather has meant lots of outdoor exploring in Nursery, in our mud kitchen making acorn ice-cream, and hiding objects in the sand.
